
"If you love what you do, is it really work?" Here is where I plan to... well I don't know what I plan to do. I know it will have to do with my passion of theater and acting, but what goes up the world may never know.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Man

So tomorrow I open in A Raisin in the Sun as Mr. Karl Lidner, the white man. And I think it has been a really interesting project to work on. When you hear that someone is the white man in a "civil rights play" images that come to mind are sights of anger and shouting and even something very threatening. But if you have ever read this script then you know that their are two major ways to play this role. The first is the one that everyone imediatly thinks of but this requiers a lot of sarcasm, which I think s just a bit too much and not exactly right. I take it to the other extream. When I read the script this man is very uncomfortable. He is scared he is surrounded by people who will not be very happy with him. So he is very nervous. I just think tht it is interesting that this "white man" is not the that bigot that we all think of. To me he doesn't even read like that. When he enters he seriously has their best interest at heart, just that is not what they want to hear. It has just been really interesting to think about who this man is, in this situation and even back in his own neighborhood. Oh the things we think about as actors.


So I have been gone recently and haven't gotten to post anything. Right now I am in rehearsal for two, well really 3 shows. I just finished my audition for the local Arts college (UNCSA) so that is one thing crossed off my list. All this whie trying to go through the whole process of designing and making a costume, not to mention school work and church. Really, a lot is happening, so if you ever ask me "Whats happening" don't believe me when I say "Not much"


So I was listening to a radio show on my way home, and they were talking to a man who does screen printng. He told this story of him in art school as they each said their favorite thing to do, some said oils, others sculpting, he liked to make posters and the school sad that he was undicided. It made me think, what is art. I mean why can't a poster be a work of art even if it is for a hand, there is so much that can go into it. So like what makes something art. To me it is something that expresses an idea, sure it may not have been thought I'd when it was originally made, but if it is still there then it's art. That's just something interesting I thought you should think about.